"Ahead in the Clouds" Lisa '09 Keynote by Werner Vogels

Werner Vogels, CTO of, was the keynote speaker at this year's LISA conference. His keynote was entitled "Ahead in the Clouds".

One of Werner's goals in this talk was to level set the audience with regard to the term "Cloud Computing". He wanted to make sure we understood the reality today of cloud computing versus all the hype.

Live Stream of LISA '09 Technical Sessions

Check out the Live Stream of the LISA '09 Technical Sessions, sponsored by Solaris.

The full program can be found here.

LISA '09  is sponsored by USENIX and SAGE in cooperation with LOPSA and SNIA

Eliminating Backup System Bottlenecks

I suspect that we all have a love/hate relationship with backups. Having backups done is a great feeling, but getting them to the point that you can absolutely count on them can be an exercise in frustration. Not only are they incredibly important, but the more you need them, the harder they are to do right.

"ZFS: A Filesystem for Modern Hardware" at LISA 2009

Richard Elling gave a tutorial on the ZFS filesystem. The tutorial included a complete overview of the filesystem from administrative commands to details of how the data is stored on disk.

The tutorial started off with a brief history of filesytems on Solaris and the design goals behind ZFS. This provided a good basis for the discussion of how ZFS was implemented.

LISA 2009 - First Day Thoughts

Hello, thanks for reading the USENIX blog devoted to the LISA ’09 Conference! My name is Matt Simmons, and I’m one of the bloggers who will be writing here with daily updates on events at the conference.

IPv6 is the Future, and the Future is Now!

It’s Monday afternoon, and LISA is chugging right along! I’m well into my second day of training, and having a great time, and learning a ton that I’m going to take back to work.

Re-Enabling SELinux Training

This morning, I’m attending Rik Farrow’s “Working with SELinux” course. As soon as I walked into the room, it became apparent that I’m in the right place. On the screen was the lead slide of Rik’s show, and the title was “Re-enabling SELinux”. For me, that’s so appropriate, because one of the items on my “new machine” checklist is “disable SELinux”. To me, it’s always been a source of irritation that stopped me from performing actions necessary to administer the machine. The most frustrating part was always that I knew it didn’t have to be like that.

LISA 2009: Rik Farrow on Working with SELinux

LISA 2009: Rik Farrow on Working with SELinux
By Matthew Sacks

Rik Farrow is a security trainer as well as the Chief Editor for USENIX’s ;login magazine. He is delivering training on SELinux at LISA 2009 and spoke with the USENIX Blog Team about his background and the upcoming SELinux training he will be delivering at LISA 2009; Working with SELinux

Tom Limoncelli's LISA 2009 Training: "Design Patterns for System Administrators"

Tom Limoncelli is one of the preeminent system administrators in the world right now. He is the co-author of "The Practice of System and Network Administration", what is considered by many to be something akin to a religious tome, and he has presented training sessions at LISA for several years on the subject of his second book, "Time Management for System Administrators". This year, he is offering a new training course, titled "Design Patterns for System Administrators".


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