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The Cloud Virtualization Summit was part of USENIX Federated Conferences Week. USENIX is combining established conferences and new workshops into a week, chock full of research, trends, and community interaction. Customize the program to meet your needs.

New this year, your daily registration for the Cloud Virtualization Summit gets you into all the events happening that day: tutorials, talks, workshops—you name it. Plus, registration packages offer expanded discounts. The more days you attend, the more you save! The Cloud Virtualization Summit takes place at the Sheraton Boston Hotel.

Thanks to those of you who joined us in Boston, MA, for the 1st USENIX Cloud Virtualization Summit!

The 1st USENIX Cloud Virtualization Summit was held in conjunction with the 2010 USENIX Federated Conferences Week, June 22–25, 2010.

All Cloud Virtualization Summit sessions will take place in Independence West.

The recent industry-wide discussion and promotion of the technology and business innovation around cloud computing have captured the interest of both IT customers and IT vendors. Many consider virtualization technology to be the "on ramp" for cloud computing. The Cloud Virtualization Summit seeks to bring together end-users from diverse domains and technologists from across the industry to openly discuss the opportunity and the challenges.

This will be an interactive session, so please plan to attend and bring your questions, comments, and concerns!

Program Co-Chairs
Dave Cohen, EMC
Jason Stowe, Cycle Computing

The one-day summit will consist of three sessions, starting after the USENIX ATC '10 keynote address:

  • 10:00 a.m.–Noon
    End-User Panel: Cloud Virtualization for Real Applications Today
    Moderator: Jason Stowe, Cycle Computing

    Finance Participants: Jim Younan, Bank of America; Lance Berc, VMware; Dave Cohen, EMC (ex-Goldman Sachs, ex-Merrill Lynch)

    Heathcare/Life Sciences Participants: Brad Chapman, Massachusetts General Hospital; Aaron Kitzmiller, Life Technologies; John Morris and Vassilios Pantazopoulos, Pfizer; Pieter Sheth-Voss, Quintiles

    With all the buzz around cloud computing and virtualization, it is sometimes difficult to determine the real savings and agility benefits provided by cloud services. While cloud computing holds the promise of changing how many organizations operate, it can be difficult to separate the real, practical ways in which the cloud is helping research labs and companies with collaboration, software as a service, technical computing, and storage use cases today.

    This panel will focus on two motivating application areas: healthcare/life sciences and finance.

    We'll cover real-world use cases in collaboration, drug discovery and design, next-generation sequencing, proteomics, software as a service, and bioinformatics, to explore how life science companies are using cloud computing, what the challenges are and the effectiveness is, how money can be saved by an organization, and what issues of regulatory compliance exist.

    We'll also discuss a range of diverse applications in finance, from the highest-speed, highest-volume trading systems, through large-volume analytics, to worldwide collaboration systems. The volumes of data, the global scale, the speed of activity, and the amounts of money involved drive financial companies to make large and forward-looking investments in their IT infrastructures. We'll examine how the requirements of financial applications and financial companies map to the promise and the reality of cloud computing.
  • Noon–1:30 p.m.
    Lunch (provided)
  • 1:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
    Investment Panel: Cloud Computing: Paradigm Shift or Lead Balloon
    Moderator: Dave Cohen, EMC
    Participants: Jeff Fagnan, Atlas Venture; Matthew Moynahan, Veracode; David Menninger, Vertica; Dan Decasper, Cirtas

    Much ink and even more virtual ink has been spilled recently on the topic of cloud computing. Some commentators and vendors believe this is a massive shift in the way IT is packaged, delivered, and sold. Other commentators point out that many of the underlying technology concepts—time-shared systems, equipment leasing, compute farms, massive databases—have existed for many years and are only being renamed by clever marketing. This panel incudes participants from the venture capital and startup community who are actively trying to match business reality to the technology promise.
  • 3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
    Technology Panel: How to "Program" the Cloud: API Debate
    Moderator: Erik Riedel, EMC
    Participants: Orran Krieger, VMware; Moiz Kohari, Novell; Andres Rodriguez, Nasuni; Steve Hand, University of Cambridge

    One of the key challenges to realizing the full benefits of large-scale cloud computing is a requirement to adjust the programming and deployment models used in IT today. In some cases, the adjustments may be straightforward and build on years of technology investment in areas such as virtualization, parallel programming, scale-out computing, and numerous programming frameworks. Are the tools available today sufficient to realize the full potential of the cloud? What gaps still need to be filled? This panel brings together participants from a number of the related technology areas to assess the state of the art and the state of the practice.

Please join us for this event; register today!

Participation in the event is open, subject to approval by USENIX, with a registration fee of $345 for the entire 1-day event, which includes access to all other USENIX Federated Conferences Week events that day. Additional registration fees apply for other events during the week.

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Last changed: 28 June 2010 jp